A story of blood and pony

Alright, so about 125% of you probably know about that TV show called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". But what about 124.999% of you didn't know was that it had a hidden meaning behind it...
And there were a lot of questions unanswered about it...
Like why did someone want to create a kids show about miniature multicolored horses?
Why do more adults like the show then children?
Why do people make porn of it and fap to it?
But most of all...what does it mean?
The last question is one that I wish I didn't get the answer to...Here's why.
It was a nice summer afternoon. It was 20% cooler then it usually was, so I- Wait, why am I telling you this shit? Anyway, back to the story. I was watching MLP, like I normally do. Then I remembered that today was the day that the mailman came. So, I went out to the mailbox and took a peak inside. To my surprise, the only thing in there was a package. Inside of the package was an odd tape. It looked normal, but something about it wasn't right. I then looked on the other side of it. I saw the word "PONY" written on it with Cliche-brand black marker. When I saw it said "pony", I was excited. I was a huge fan of MLP, and, being the ultra-brony that I am, I immediately put it in my VCR. It started out with the normal intro, theme song and everything, but...something was off. In about 10 seconds flat the screen looked...completely different. It showed the Mane 6... but they all had hyper-realistic blood all over them. Pinkie Pie looked...well...her eyes and mouth were completely black, and she had a grin that nearly went past her cheeks. All of the others were lying on the ground, intestinal organs and blood all over their corpses. However, I was just like: "lol wtf is this" and decided to be a stupid fuck and ignore it. After the intro...It was just a black screen. Just black for 23.503.666 seconds. Then, for about 78.651 seconds, a hyper-realistic picture of Pinkie Pie, again with the Zalgo-style face in the image in the intro, with hyper realistic blood all over her face and holding a knife, showed up. Then...black again.
I then took the tape out and threw it out the window.
The motherfucking end, bitches.
Also, jk about me finding the answer to that question. Friendship is motherfucking magic, bitches.
PS: In case you are a dumb 9-year-old shit or just really high and haven't noticed, this story is fake